Long time no blogging…cuz I had twins!!!


Hello Everyone:

I just happened to look at my blog because I haven’t been on wordpress in a while and I noticed my last post was with my maternity pics!  OMG…I didn’t let all of you know that I had two BEAUTIFUL twin girls!!!

On November 6, 2015, we welcomed Madison Jean & Ava Ray into the world.  In the picture with the Knicks outfits (taken at 1 month old), Madison Jean is on the left and Ava Ray is on the right.  Madison was born first at 10:08 and she was 7 pounds 4 ounces and Ava was born at 10:09 and she was 8 pounds 8 ounces!  We were the talk of the hospital because no one had seen twins that big!!!  I had a C-section and my recovery was phenomenal!  Both girls were very healthy but Madison had a short NICU stay because she had stopped breathing for a second after birth and they wanted to monitor her but she ended up being fine thank GOD.  My wife (Nicole) chose the name Madison and her middle name (Jean) was after Nicole’s mother.  I chose the name Ava and her middle name (Ray) is after my maternal grandmother who raised me.

Here is my crazy birth story.

I was scheduled for a C-section on Monday, November 9th.  We were happy with that date because my grandfather’s birthday (he raised me) was that day.  We also lost our son at 25 weeks gestation two years ago on that date so we figured it would lift our spirits on that day if our kids were born then.  The Friday before (November 6th), I was scheduled for a sonogram and NST at the same hospital where I was scheduled to have the C-section.  That morning, I noticed I was HUGE and I was in pain all day.  I even took a half naked pic of myself that day because I could not believe how much my body had changed from the day before.  When I was at the hospital, the ultrasound tech was telling me, “you are having a lot of contractions.”  I told her I knew that and they were pretty painful.  She said go home and rest and come back Monday for the C-section.  I told her I was having those babies today, I just knew it.  She called the doc, he checked my cervix and he told me I was not dilated at all and I should go home.  I drove home and cried the whole way home because I was in pain.  During my drive home, I called my wife and told her to get home NOW because I was in so much pain and something isn’t right.  She told me to calm down and I was fine.  I started screaming “I’M NOT FINE! I THINK I AM IN LABOR!!!”  I felt like no one was listening to me and I was so super frustrated.  I got home, laid in my bed, cried a little more and BOOM…my water broke.  It was like a crime scene in my bedroom because there was blood everywhere!  I was freaking out!!!  Thankfully, my wife was on her way home and got home like 5 minutes after my water broke.  She cleaned up a little bit, threw some crap in a bag for her (my bag was already packed) and we headed back to the hospital which is only 15 minutes away.  By the time I got back to the hospital, I was 4 centimeters dilated.  A few hours later, we had our miracle babies.

They are almost 3 months now and I cannot believe how fast time is flying by! They are the cutest babies I’ve ever seen and we are completely in LOVE.  I cannot believe God has finally blessed us with a family and the future is looking FANTASTIC!

Thank you to all of you out there who hoped and prayed for us. I can’t express how much we appreciate it!

I’m really hoping to blog more now that we have a routine but no promises because life is so crazy right now but more pics to come soon!